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Wombat Frames Blog — thick wood frame


Seven Reasons for Choosing a Recycled Wooden Picture Frame 0

Wombat Frames A4 Recycled Brown Gum Picture Frames


Picture frames are the most common thing people choose for home decor and gifts. Australian picture frame manufacturer Wombat Frames makes a huge variety of interesting and inspiring picture frames out of Australian Recycled Hardwood and other locally sourced recycled timbers. These include single frames, multi picture photo frames, square frames and even mirrors.  Choose your timber, colour and size to suit your own home decor while shopping online in the comfort of your home and create your own unique look with a natural product with a Wombat Frame. Here are 7 inspiring reasons for buying a thick wooden picture frame:

  1.  A thick wooden picture frame creates an eye catching and bold statement in your home. Your eyes will naturally be drawn towards it. Together with your photographs or treasured artworks it creates an amazing and meaningful piece of home-decor while creating a focal point in a room.
  2. People who like thick wooden frames usually already have solid looking timber furniture and adding a wooden frame to this will complete the room, creating a pleasant area for relaxed living.
  3. Treasured photographs and artworks not only need to be shown but also protected. Placing it behind glass and in front of the backing board of a frame which then surrounds it will do that.
  4. Natural chunky timber frames create comfortable and cozy feelings compared to the usually mass produced and cheap plastic or steel frames which usually get thrown out after a year or so.
  5. Timber is a natural material. When we surround ourselves with handcrafted natural objects we feel better and more close to nature.
  6. A wooden picture frame is Eco-friendly. Picture frame manufacturers such as Wombat Frames make all their thick wooden frames out of locally sourced recycled timbers.
  7. Wooden picture frames are kinder to the environment. Timber is a natural renewable resource which can eventually where as materials such as plastic do not.